After a week off for Half term, it was good to get back to the action with a great session led by Coach Alan around football. Ray got us going with a warm up outside on the playground. Then everyone grabbed a ball to practise their dribbling skills. Firstly, just moving around the playground, then between "gates" made up of pairs of cones. Next up, Alan introduced turning with the ball as we dribbled. This meant close control of the ball to stop it and swivel 180 degrees before moving off with the ball once more. Our final drill before the break was shooting practice. The kids started off by dribbling around cones as they made their way up the playground. They then had to incorporate some toe taps on the ball, then moving it side to side between their feet before finally having a shot at a goal (between the posts marked out at the end). After the break, the kids put all that skills practice to good use splitting in to two teams to play a match. Unfortunately, I had to leave early so no pictures of the match and I dont know the final score either.
The kids finished off the session with some games of Boccia back in the hall. It was a good first session back after Half term and at the end Coach Alan awarded the Star of the Week awards to Hal and Harry. Very well done lads! Join us again on Saturday for more fun but with a different main sport! Comments are closed.
EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024