As the days get brighter it was nice to have our first session of Tennis for the year. It was a bit cold outside so we used the hall but great to do a variety of Tennis based activities. Ray led the warm up to get us all going then everyone grabbed a racket and ball and started off with moving around the hall whilst balancing the ball on the racket. From there it was trying to hit the ball up in the air and controlling it back on the racket. The kids then paired up to pass to each other across the hall. They would take it in turns with one throwing the ball for the other to hit back. Next it was balancing the ball as they moved down the hall around cones. We then played two tennis based games. Firstly was Build a Burger where the kids worked in teams to build a burger of tennis balls sandwiched between rackets. To start with two people would make their way up the hall with a ball balanced between two rackets. A third person would then add another ball and their racket and so on so that the stack has as many layers as possible without it collapsing. We then played some games of King / Queen of the court. Ollie threw a soft ball over the net for each player to return, on their go. Get the ball to bounce back in the court on Ollie's side of the net and you are through to the next round. Get caught or fail to get the return in to the court and you are out and join Ollie on the fielding side, trying to catch the others out. Last person standing is King or Queen of the court! Hal won the first game and Todd the second with Kealan winning the last game. After the tennis we played some games of Noughts and Crosses with the group splitting in to two teams and having to run to place a coloured bib in one of the hoops. Blue team won the first two games but the yellows came back to win the next two. The next game was tied but the blues then won the next with a diagonal line. The last game was won by the blue team after some tactical moves of the bibs so they won overall by 5 games to 3. We had time for one quick game of Benchball which the yellow team won. It was then time for the Easter Bunny (Alan) to do his thing and give out an easter egg to all the kids! We wish you all a great Easter and look forward to seeing you all back on Saturday 20th April for the start of our summer term.
We had a really good turnout this week at Epping Forest Sportability Club and some good weather too. We started outside on the playground with a warm up led by Ray. We then moved back in to the school hall for some Basketball skills practice. That started with each child grabbing a ball and dribbling around the hall. We followed that by dribbling the ball along the lines on the hall floor. We then practiced bouncing and controlling the ball both low and high before dribbling around cones. We finished off the skills practice by passing across a circle. We then put all that practice to good use in some 1 on 1 games. The coaches would call up two equally matched children at a time. On the word go they would run to the far end of the hall where Ollie was waiting to throw the ball in to play. The kids would then try and be first to the ball to dribble it back down the hall and shoot at the basket. The first child to score a basket wins the duel. After the main break we split the group in to three teams for some games of Benchball. There were three games with each team playing the other two teams in turn. We finished off the session with some more leisurely games of Boccia. This time the group split in to two teams and competed from opposite ends of the hall to see who could get the most balls in to the hoops. As the games went on the number of hoops to aim for reduced meaning a good aim as well as ball speed became increasing more important. At the end of the session our Star of the Week awards went to Sonny and Ellis. Well done boys! Join us again next week for our last session before the Easter break. Just a brief update this week as I was not around to take photos and notes.
The main sport this week was Hockey and the kids started off by dribbling on their own. They then paired up for passing and dribbling with some shooting past cones and also shooting in to a hoop. They then went outside on to the playground to put all the practice in to action is a small sided game. The session finished with the some archery in the last 20 minutes with Todd hitting a bullseye! Our star of the week awards this week went to Kerrie and new girl Hollie - quite appropriate for a week where we celebrated International Women's Day!. Well done girls! It was great to be back after the Half term break and we also welcomed a new member - Holly. We hope you enjoy the club and want to come back week after week. We started as always with a warm up, led by Ray. It was then out with the Rugby balls for some pairs work. We started just standing still passing in our pairs. Then we added a throw of the ball in the air and clapping as we did so. From there we progressed on to passing on the move. We then played some very fast paced games of Rob the Nest where the group split in to four teams and tried to get as many balls as possible in their nests before time expired, by robbing balls from the opposing teams. Kerrie's team won the first game, the second was tied as all teams ended up as they started with four balls each in their nests. The last game was won by both Hal and Harry's teams who both got six balls in their nest. Alan and the team then laid out some channels with cones. The group split in to four teams once more and the first task was to run down the channel and touch down over the line for a try before running back and passing the ball to the next player. Next, the groups paired up to pass between groups as they moved down the channel. Lastly, all four groups passed to each other as they took their turn to move down the channels. Hopefully the photos below demonstrate the activities better than I can explain them! After the main break we split in to three teams for some Round Robin games of Benchball. We then finished off with some games of Boccia with the group splitting in to two teams, one at either end of the hall. With each game the number of hoops to aim for decreased until we ended up with just one hoop to aim for. That led to a very tight last game with the reds racing in to a 3-1 lead before the blue team to come back to win it at the end 4 to 3. Finally, Alan presented Zakaa and Harry with the Star of the Week awards for their efforts throughout the session. Well done boys!
See you all again next Saturday for more action packed sports! |
EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024