We were blessed with some wonderful weather this Saturday, dare I say almost too hot to be outside running around. Therefore, we had a more leisurely morning with Parachute games and Putting. Ray led the warm up out on the playground before the Parachute came up for some fun games. We moved inside to play some Putting games in the hall (nice smooth surface!). First up it was trying to get the ball to hit the bench and stop as close as possible to the bench. Therefore, hitting the ball gently and at the right speed was of most importance. Next, they were aiming for hoops so direction of shots as well as speed was important. The group then split in to two teams to see who could get the most in the hoop. The yellow team came out winners with Alexander getting the winning putt. After the break we played some more putting, this time trying to hit and collect as many cones as possible. Davina and Alex's group won with 21 cones beating their closest challengers by two cones. We finished off the session with some Archery with the kids taking in turns to have three shots at the target. The kids were getting better and better and towards the end both Davina and Kerrie both scored Bullseyes! It was a lovely session and we managed to stay cool. At the end of the session the coaches awarded the Star of the Week awards to Alexander, who did really well in the golf, and Todd, who should great energy and enthusiasm throughout.
We managed to get outside for most of the session on Saturday, despite the weather changing from rain to sunshine and back again constantly. Ray led the warm up as usual and then we went straight in to our main session of Tennis so everyone grabbed a racket and tennis ball. First up was balancing the ball on the racket as they moved around the playground. Next was to try and bounce the ball on the racket without losing control. We then moved on to hitting the ball down between the racket and the ground. Three hits down then catch it on the 4th go. This helps with ball control and concentration as it is easy for the ball to go flying off in another direction! At this point it clouded over and there were a few spots of rain so we moved inside to play some games of Build a Burger. This is where the kids go up and down the hall, around cones, but balancing tennis balls between rackets. With each turn another layer of the "burger" is added which makes it much more difficult to control. After a quick drinks break we were back outside as the sun had returned. We switched to playing some games of King or Queen of the Court. This is where the kids take it in turns to return a tennis ball over the net trying to get it back in court without being caught out. Fail to get the ball in to the court or get caught then you join the fielding team. Manage to get the ball in then you re-join the back of the line to wait for the next round. It is last person standing who becomes King or Queen of the Court. Liam won the first game before the main break with Davina and finally Kerrie winning after break. We finished up back in the hall with some games of Boccia using the hoops as targets. With each round the number of hoops decreased making it harder as there was less to aim for. It was a great session and we all had a lot of fun. At the end the coaches awarded the Star of the Week awards to Theo and Ellis - very well done lads!
We had a really good turnout at Epping Forest Sportability Club this week for a session based around Hockey. Ray led the warm up as usual before the kids picked up a hockey stick and tennis ball each to practice their ball dribbling. Alan led a traffic light game - stop, go and pass the ball side to side on Amber. They then laid out cones as gates to dribble through and then do figures of eight around. Next up the kids paired up and passed to each other through the pairs of cones. Aland and Ray then set up some lanes of cones for them to dribble around before introducing a shooting element. We then put all that practice to use as we played some small sided games. We split the group in to three teams and the scores were as follows:- Green vs Blue 3-1 Green vs Yellow. 3-1 Blue vs Yellow 10-4 Not sure why there was such a high score in the last game. Once all the hockey was over we switched sports to Benchball. We kept in the same teams and the blue team won the first game and yellow the second. We finished off with a few leisurely games of Boccia. This time we just had two teams, one at either end of the hall. We started with lots of hoops to aim for but with each game the number decreased until the last game just had the one hoop. Some of the throwing was excellent and by the end most balls were going in the hoops. The last game was an honourable draw with each team getting seven of their balls in the hoop. As I stated at the start, the session was busy, loud and frenetic but a lot of fun. If the kids were not tired by the end of the session then us adults certainly were.
The coaches awarded the Star of the Week awards this week to Davina and Rhys - well done to both of you! Join us again next week where, if the weather is kind to us, we will try and get outside and may well be playing tennis as we warm up for Wimbledon! After a week off for Half term, it was good to get back to the action with a great session led by Coach Alan around football. Ray got us going with a warm up outside on the playground. Then everyone grabbed a ball to practise their dribbling skills. Firstly, just moving around the playground, then between "gates" made up of pairs of cones. Next up, Alan introduced turning with the ball as we dribbled. This meant close control of the ball to stop it and swivel 180 degrees before moving off with the ball once more. Our final drill before the break was shooting practice. The kids started off by dribbling around cones as they made their way up the playground. They then had to incorporate some toe taps on the ball, then moving it side to side between their feet before finally having a shot at a goal (between the posts marked out at the end). After the break, the kids put all that skills practice to good use splitting in to two teams to play a match. Unfortunately, I had to leave early so no pictures of the match and I dont know the final score either.
The kids finished off the session with some games of Boccia back in the hall. It was a good first session back after Half term and at the end Coach Alan awarded the Star of the Week awards to Hal and Harry. Very well done lads! Join us again on Saturday for more fun but with a different main sport! |
EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024