We had a lovely session of Hockey and Boccia to see us in to the half term break. It was great to see a couple of new members too. We hope Maddison and James enjoyed it and want to come back when we return on 4th November. Ray was away, recovering from an eye operation, so Alan led the warm up before we started off with the Hockey. All the kids grabbed a tennis ball and hockey stick to practise some dribbling. Ollie then led a traffic light game with Red being stop still, amber / yellow being stand still but move the ball from side to side and green being dribble the ball around the hall. We then moved on to dribbling around cones and then shooting between cones at the end of the hall. We finished off before the break with the kids shooting at numbered cones at the end of the hall trying to score as many as the could with a direct hit. After the main break we played some small sided games of Hockey with the group splitting in to three teams. First off the Green team took on the yellow team and won by 7 goals to 5. Next up was the blue team to take on the greens and the blues won 7 goals to 6. The last game saw the Blue team take on the yellows and triumphed by 5 goals to 4. We finished off with some games of Boccia with the group splitting in to a blue and red team with the teams at each end of the hall. They were aiming to get as many of their balls in to the hoop of the same colour. The red team won the first game 10 to 6. The second game was to see who could get the most balls in to the one hoop in the centre of the hall. This time the blue team won by 7 to 5, The final game was who could get closest to the white ball in the centre of the hall. The game was very close with the reds being closest for a long time until Zakaa came close for the blues. Davina then got closer still but on the last ball it ended up in a tie.
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EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024