For our last session before the summer break we played a variety of sports. After a warm up on the playground we started with some Basketball, Basic dribbling and moving the ball around the body before we moved inside to use the basketball net for some one on one games. We then moved on to playing some games of Benchball in the hall. The group split in to three teams and we had a round robin set of games. The object being to pass the ball up the hall and get it to the person on the bench without the ball hitting the floor. If you successfully pass the ball to the bench you join them on the bench. The first team with all members on the bench wins the game. As it turned out each team won one game each. After the main break we stayed in the school hall for a game of Hockey. The group split in to two teams, yellow sticks and reds, for a game. It was fierce, frenetic and at times crazy but a lot of fun. We finished off with some games of Boccia. The red team won the first game (with nine hoops to aim for), the second game was tied (with four hoops) and the blue team won the last game, with just one hoop to aim for. All that leaves is for us all to wish you all a very happy summer holiday and we will see you all back in September.
On a hot and humid day at Oak View School we enjoyed a couple of sports we have not done for a while. We started off, as always, with a warm up - this time lead by coach Alan. Just as we were about to start with putting we were hit with a rain shower so we rushed inside and did the putting in the hall. First of all the kids were trying to put down through an alley of cones trying to get the ball in to a hoop at the far end of the hall. Then we played a cone game where the kids had to try and hit as many cones as possible. Each cone they hit they collected for their team. The team with the most cones wins. It was a close contest with two teams getting 16 cones, one 19 but the team containing Hal, Charlotte and Ellis managed to get 20 cones. We finished off the putting with a game of trying to get the putt to stop as close to the bench at the far end of the hall as possible. Hit the ball too hard and it will bounce back off the bench. Too soft and it might not make it. The kids got better and better and Swaran and Alexander did particularly well. After the main break we went back outside to play some Archery. The group in to two and had some practice turns with Todd managing the to get a Bullseye! After the practice we played a game of Bake a Cake. As a team if you got the arrow in the white circle (number 6) then that was the base of the cake. Blue Circle (8) was icing, Red Circle (9) was jam and bullseye (10) was sprinkles. But hit the black circle (7) and that is a burnt cake! It was a great session and at the end the coaches awarded the Star of the Week awards to Todd and Alexander - well done lads.
This week we also welcomed a new volunteer, Will, who lives locally and wants to help out with the group. His hobby is boxing so he may well be putting us through our paces with some boxing training soon! Welcome Will. Next week is our last session before the summer break so we look forwards to seeing you all then. Another great session at Epping Forest Sportability Club this Saturday where we played Hockey and other games out on the Oak View School playground. We started off with a warm up jogging and stretching around the playground. We then played some games of Rob the Nest. The group split up in to four small teams and each tried to get as many tennis balls in their hoop as possible. This was done by taking it in turns, one at a time, to go and "rob" a ball from another nest. The first game ended in a tie between Davina and Liam's teams but the second game was won outright by Liam's team made up of Kealan, Ellis and Liam. After a quick drinks break we switched to playing Hockey. We started with some practice dribbling the ball around the playground. We then laid out some cones for the kids to dribble around. Finally, some goals were added at the end of the playground for the kids to shoot out, once they had been around the cones. After the main break, we moved on to some games with the group splitting in to two teams - the blues versus the yellow. By half time the yellow team were leading by six goals to four. At the start of the second half the blue team managed to get back on level terms but in the end the yellow team managed to win the game by one goal. There was some great goalkeeping at either end by Valentina (yellow team) and Kerrie (Blues). The Star performer awards this week went to Ellis and Anand but there were some other notable great performances from many others including Liam, Todd and Valentina. Well done to all.
See you all again next Saturday for our penultimate session of the term. |
EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024