It has become a bit of a tradition at Epping Forest Sportability Club to wrap up the half term by laying on a variety of games for the children to enjoy and Saturday was no different. The kids could choose from Table Football, Target Boccia, Short Tennis, Skittles and Table Tennis and dip in and out of each game as they wished. After a short refreshment break we switched to a game of volleyball bringing an element of teamwork to proceedings. At the end of volleyball game came the award of our first Star of the Week - that is right this week there was not just one star but two!. Little Theo normally only stays for only a couple of hours but this week he was having such a great time and enjoying all the games so much that he stayed much longer than normal. It was a pleasure to be able to award him his first Star of the Week award. Our last sport played was some indoor hockey which proved to be a fast, frenetic and fiercely competetive game enjoyed by all. At the end of the session the second Star of the Week was awarded to Pranav for getting involved throughout the session, helping out along the way and behaving really well. Keep it up Pranav!
As it is half term now there is no session this weekend coming but we will be back as usual on Saturday 5th November when the only fireworks we hope to see will be on the basketball court! See you all then! The focus this week at Sportability Club was on ball skills and mainly passing and throwing. After some stretches to warm up there was a quick game of tag before we got in to the ball skills. The first game was a good one - all the children and leaders got together in a circle and when it was your turn you had to pass the ball to the person next to you then run around the outside of the circle and back to your starting place. Meanwhile the rest of the team passed the ball from person to person around the circle. The aim being to get the ball back around the circle before the runner. The next game that Alan and Ray came up with was throwing a soft ball at a target. The target being to knock a tennis ball off the cone. Initially the kids worked in pairs opposite each other. They then moved on to a bigger game with the group split in to two teams with a number of tennis balls on cones in the middle of the hall. The teams took it in turns to have a throw with the object being the team to get the most hits becoming the winner. After a break for refreshments we moved on to a game of Handball. This is much like football but throwing and catching the ball rather than kicking it. The goals were the ones marked by black tape in the photos and it proved for a fast energetic game as well as using the throwing skills worked on earlier in the session. At the end of the session the coaches all agreed that Liam fully deserved the Star of the Week award for all his efforts. Well done Liam!
Next week there will be a variety of aparatus and games out as it is our last session before the half term break. See you all then! The session last Saturday was split in to two main sports. After the usual warm up it was ball skills and in particular rugby ball skills. That was followed later on in the session by some Indoor Cricket. We had our club AGM last Saturday so whilst the committee, parents and carers had the meeting the kids got on with some ball skills under the guidance of coaches Ray, Ciara and Zoe with expert assistance from Ollie. As you can see they started by passing the ball to each other in a big cirlce. They then moved on to a tag game called Dragon's Den which is a one on one game - fast and fun. One player has to run to middle and pick up the rugby ball and get back without getting tagged by the opponent running from the other end. After a break for refreshments it was time for some Indoor Cricket. This was a straight forward game between two sides with the aim that everyone gets a chance to bat and field and most, if not all, get a chance to bowl. At the end of the session the leaders awarded the star of the week award to Jenny so a very well done! The AGM we held was very well attended and we discussed how the club was doing and plans for the future. Many thanks for all those that came along and for all the input and suggestions. One of which was to advise what sports we intend to play in the next session. To that end Coach Alan has advised that it will all be about throwing and catching leading towards a handball style game. We look forward to seeing you all then.
A bright start to the day, on Saturday, meant we were looking to do some football outside in the sunshine but, just as we were about to start, it started to rain. So a quick change of plans was in order as we had to stay inside. We started with the usual warm-up of stretches and jogging to loosen up and then we moved on to footballing skills and practising some ball control and dribbling. As you can see from the photos cones were laid out up and down the hall and the members took it in turns to move the football around them. Some were a little over eager in their kicking (I am told little Theo had a habit of booting the ball across the hall!) while others such as Pranav showed some great levels of skill. After a drinks break we switched sports, first up we played some Dodgeball splitting in to two teams. For those of us new to the sport and have not seen the film the aim is to get all the opposing team out by hitting their legs or feet with a ball thrown from your side of the court. However, if they catch a ball you throw before it hits the ground then you get one of your teams who were out back in to the game. In our version of the game Zakaa had the distinct advantage of having 9 lives, or was that 90? He was invincible! After the dodgeball we took the pace down a peg or two and played some target Boccia with teams at either end of the hall and the targtet in the middle. The closer to the centre of the target the more points you got for your team. It was a very close contest with a final score something like 75 to 68. After a snack break it was time for our final sport of the day and an old favourite - Benchball. The same two teams faced off again with the aim this time to get all the team on to the bench. To do this the team have to pass the ball to each other at least three times with out dropping it or allowing it to bounce. Then they can throw to the person on the bench and if they catch it the thrower joins them on the bench. A game of strategy, skill, communication and teamwork and always a favourite. At the end of the session the coaches decided that Zakaa was Star of the Week as he really got stuck in to each sport and particpated really well. It was great to see Joseph back as he had not been able to come for a while. We do hope we will get to see him a little more often now. It was also great to see another new member come along, another Callum, and we hope to see him, and everyone else, back next week. Note to all parents and carers - it is our annual AGM next Saturday so while the kids are playing we will be discussing the club and it's future. Please do come along and spend a short while with us helping to steer our future - I might even make a cup of tea or coffee for you! |
EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024