We had a great turnout once again this week for a session based all around the sport of Cricket. After a warm-up led by Ray the kids worked in pairs throwing and catching a tennis ball. They did bounce passes to each other trying to hit a spot marker midway between the pair. We then split the group in two for some games of champion. This is where the kids line up facing a coach and they will throw the ball to one child at a time. If they catch the ball, they throw it back then move one place up the line. Drop it and they move once place down. Whoever is at the top of the line at the end of the game is the Champion. Pranav was the winner in the game led by Alan and Valentina won the game led by Ray. After a quick break for drinks, the group split in to three for a practice drill based around throwing at the wickets. They would run, pick the ball up from one cone and throw at the wickets from the white line. They would then become the wicketkeeper for the next person. Once the wicketkeeper had collected the ball, they would return it to the cone for the next person before joining the back of the line to wait for their next turn. After the main break we put all that practice to good use in a game of 3 Tee Cricket. The group split in to two teams and each player took a turn to hit 3 balls off of 3 tees. Once the last ball had been hit they tried to get as many runs between the wickets as they could before the fielding team put all the balls and tees back together. It was a high scoring game with great batting and fielding but the first team that batted won out by 88 runs to 78, mainly thanks to some great fielding. We finished the session off with some quick Boccia games with the last game finishing as a tie with each team getting 3 balls in the hoops. It was a great session overall and a lot of fun was had. The coaches awarded the Star of the Week awards to Liam and Sonny - well done boys. Join us again this coming Saturday for more fun and action. A quieter session this week but good fun none the less. After a warm led by Alan and Ray we started with Hockey. The kids started off with a Hockey Stick and Tennis Ball each just getting used to dribbling the ball around the hall. Ollie then led a traffic light game - stop on red, dribble side to side on yellow and full-on dribbling on a green light. Alan then introduced pairs of cones to dribble between and then to do figure of eight patterns around. This helped with close ball control. We then introduced some shooting practice. First as just practice but then we made it competitive by doing one vs one games. The kids had to run up the hall, around a cone before getting to the ball. They then had to dribble around some cones before shooting. After the main break we put all that practise to good use with some small sided games. We split in to three small teams and each team played each other. The yellow team won the first game comfortably with some great goals from Liam. The yellow team won the second game as well but this time it was the other team with the winning goal being scored by Todd. The final game matched up the two winners from the previous matches. It was a fiercely fought final that was neck and neck all the way. Liam was all over the pitch for the yellow team with Anand scoring some good goals but it was the red team that eventually won with Pranav and Kerrie scoring and Todd getting the winner. We finished off the session with some Archery. The kids love archery, it was a great way to wind down after the frenetic activity of the hockey matches. At the end of the session the coaches awarded this week's Star awards to Kerrie and Todd - very well done both of you! See you all again next week for another fun filled session with different sports. It was good to be back after half term and last weeks cancelled meeting. We had a great turnout and some new faces as well. A very warm welcome to Sonny and Hayyan who both got stuck in and seemed to enjoy the session. After a warm-up led by Ray it was straight into our main sport for the week, Rugby. We started with a game of Rob the Nest, where the group split in to four small teams and have to try and get as many of the rugby balls as possible into their nests by taking from opponents nests. It is a fast and furious game and a lot of fun. We then did some skills work by working in pairs. Firstly, it was passing to each other but then we incorporated passing the ball around the waist and then around the legs. After that we did some passing over and under and side to side with the pairs standing back to back. The last activity before the break was some games of Hunter which is a tag rugby game. The coaches picked two members to go up against each other and they took it in turns so that one was the hunter and one was being hunted. The hunter having to grab a tag from the opposition's waist band before they grabbed a ball and got it back to the other end of the hall. After the main break we headed outside on to the playground, as the weather was okay for mid-November. Alan had the group going through some Rugby drills. They started by working in a circle, passing around it then running across it and passing to a player on the other side. They then split in to four groups with each having a row of cones to run around before passing to the next person. Alan then switched it up so that when they returned with the ball, they went to the back of the queue and had to pass the ball to the front by rolling it between everyone's legs (i.e. the rest of the group forming a tunnel with their legs). They finished off with each member standing by one of the cones. They then passed the ball along the line with the last player moving to the front and everyone moving up one cone. That pattern was then repeated so it was passing and some running. We finished the session off back in the hall. Keeping the same four groups of members we had a few quick games of Boccia. All in all a wonderful session and at the end the coaches award the star of the week awards to Hal and Zakaa - well done lads, well deserved. Join us again next Saturday to see what sports Alan and the other coaches have in store for us. |
EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024