With the Rugby World Cup in full flow now in Tokyo what else could we play this week but our own games of Rugby. We welcomed a lot of new faces to the session this week, and it is always good to see new members. We started off with a warm up game of Tag followed by some Parachute games - as it was so successful last week. It was then out with the Rugby balls and to start with they worked in pairs passing to each other. They then formed a circle and started passing around to each other. That developed in to one player trying to run around the outside of the cricle faster than the kids could pass the ball within it. From there the coaches had the kids running through the cones with the ball, moving the ball around the body, then passing while they were running. Finally they passed the ball to each other over & under and side to side, so in a line they either passed backwards through their legs, over their heads or around their bodies to the side. After the break we played a Tag Rugby game, Dragon's Den, where one player runs down the hall to collect a ball and then tries to get back 'home' without getting tagged by the 'dragon'. All the kids got involved and were enthusiastic showing a great level of skill.
In what may have been the last sunny day of the year we spent the majority of the session outside enjoying the great weather. Ollie and Ray started off things with a jog around the playground for a warm up followed by some stretching. They then led a Parachute game with the aim being to keep a ball in the middle of the parachute. The kids love this game and it is a great team event, it was also the perfect way for a new member to get acquainted with everyone at the club - welcome Hetti! The main sport during Saturday's session was tennis and they started off by grabbing a racket and ball each and trying to balance the ball whilst going around cones. They then moved on to hitting the ball up in the air on their racket and then hitting down, bouncing between racket and the ground. A few more slalom races and a traffic light game followed. Liam and Charlotte get a special mention from the coaches for their fantastic work during this part of the session. The group then split in to pairs where one bounced the ball to the other player, who returned it using their racket. There was great work from Charlotte, Justin and Zakaa on this part returning the ball straight back to their partner. Before a break they also played a game of Build-a -Burger where the kids work in small teams to build a stack (burger) using rackets and balls. The idea being to build a burger and then move around without it falling apart. After break the group went on to play King of the Court. This is where the aim is to return a ball thrown over the net with your racket. You must return it back in to the server's court and also not get caught, otherwise you are out and join the server trying to catch the others out. The winner of the game was Justin -very well done, and there was some great serving from Hal and Kerrie. To finish the session the group went into the hall for a game of Boccia. ![]() Our Star of the Week award went to Justin for some fantastic effort and skill throughout the session, especially in the Tennis. Well done Justin! He is one of our newer members and settled in really well as you can see in all the photos. Join us again next Saturday for more fun and action! This weeks session at EF Sportability consisted of two very different sports, namely basketball and archery. The basketball portion of the session was delivered outside on the playground as we had an amazing autumn Saturday morning in terms of the weather. Ray started the session off with some dribbling skills with the ball which then progressed on to a traffic lights game. The coaches then set up some lanes of cones for the kids to dribble through, once the kids reached the end of the cones they had to move the ball around the body before returning back. Next up was bounce passes, the kids paired up and stood opposite each other with a large gap between them (with a cone in the middle). The object being to pass the ball to your partner by throwing the ball so it bounced once on it's way, close to the cone. The partner would then catch the ball and do a bounce pass back. The final final part of the basketball session was dribbling and shooting so going along the same slalom course as before but this time shooting in to a net at the end. There was some great shooting, especially from Calum, Liam and Alexander but well done to all. It was then time for a very well deserved drinks break. Once the break was over we moved inside in to the school hall for some archery. This is a new sport which we have never taken part in before at EFSC, having only done it before years ago on an activity weekend. We were using new equipment especially designed for kids to use indoors - i.e. made of plastic with rubber suction pads rather than the normal and rather lethal normal arrows! The members took to the sport as if they had done this every week and well done to everyone. A special mention goes to Valentina who did not want too stop firing those arrows and consistently hit the target. Also a big well done to Alexander and Callum who again hit the target on each occasion they came up to fire. Three members managed to hit the bulls eye during the session and thus scored a big 10 for their efforts. So very well done to Callum, Kerrie and Valentina. Fantastic shooting. The archery was very well received and no doubt this will become a popular and regular event.
We made the most of the good weather to get outside and play some football and the kids loved it so much they played football all morning! The session started with a warm up on the gym equipment outside on the playground before moving on to individual work with the ball using left then right foot. From there we progressed on to a traffic lights game with Ollie calling the shots. The next drill was in a circle working in pairs. Each person dribbles in to the middle of the circle at their turn. When Alan called out "change" each player was to go back to the partner, pass and change over. Cones were then added to the middle of the circle so that each person can dribble through them. They then moved on to a figure of eight pattern. After a break we went on to a shooting drill, dribbling through 2 comes then moving forwards to shoot. There was some fantastic goalkeeping from Callum and Kerrie during this drill but also some fantastic shooting from Hal and Callum (once again). We finished off the session with a game / match with Hal commanding the midfield for his team and Callum creating great chances and scoring some very good goals. We finished off with a penalty shoot out that everyone got involved with. It was a great first session back and good to see everyone after the long summer break. At the end of the session the coaches conferred and awarded the Star of the week award to Hal. Congratulations Hal!
We look forward to seeing you all again this coming Saturday where the weather is predicted to be very nice once more! So Summer is officially over and it is back to work and school, the good news is that it means Sportability Club is back!
We look forward to seeing you all fit and raring to go tomorrow at 10:00! |
EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024