Firstly, apologies for there being no post last week as I was away so missed a great session based around Tennis. This week was all about Basketball so after a warm up led by Ray, it was straight in to skills practice. We started with some basic ball control and dribbling before playing a traffic light game. The kids then did some moving of the ball around the body (over and under, side to side) and then finished off by passing in and around a circle. After the main break we did some shooting practice before some small sided games. The green team won the first game against the yellows by a score of 2-0. Next up it was the blue team against the yellows with the blues winning a tight game 3-2. The last of the round robin games was blues vs greens to see who would become the unbeaten champions - the green team were victorious 3-1. Well done all. Our star performers this week were Hal and Ellis, who is celebrating his birthday on Monday 30th so Happy Birthday Ellis!
Join us again next Saturday to see what Alan and the gang have in store for us. On a wet and windy Saturday it was great to be inside the Oak View School hall to play some Rugby. We started as always with a warm up, led by Ray. It was then straight in to the Rugby with the kids pairing up for some passing practice. From there we did some over-and-under and side-to-side. We then moved on to working in a circle, firstly passing around the circle, then running across the circle and passing the ball on. Finally, each player took a turn to run around the circle. They had to get all the way around before the ball made it's way around, being passed from player to player. After the main break we played some games of Hunter. This is a tag rugby game where the kids took it in turns to be hunter or hunted. One player, the hunted, runs up the hall to collect a rugby ball and tries to get it back to base without being tagged. The hunter has to run up the hall at the same time but go around a cone before trying to tag the other player once they have picked up the ball but before they get back. After every turn the hunter and hunted switch places so that each gets a turn playing each role. We finished off the session with some games of Boccia with the group splitting in to two teams at either end of the hall and aiming for hoops in the middle. With each game the number of hoops was reduced so by the time of the last game there was just one hoop left. The reds won most of the games but the final game ended in a tie with 2 balls in the hoop each. Our Stars of the Week this week were Charlotte and Davina - well done girls.
See you all next Saturday for more fun and excitement It was great to see everyone after the Christmas and New Year break - we wish everyone a Happy and prosperous 2023! We soon got back in to the swing of things with a warm up followed by a session of Hockey. In the first part of the session we focused on dribbling, shooting practice, passing in pairs back and forth and then finally passing around a group After the break we put all that good practice to use as we split in to three teams for some small sided games. Each team played the other two teams and there were some great saves, passes and goals in all the games. We finished off the session with a few games of Curling. The ball bearings in the curling stones were a little cold and stiff after being stuck in the store cupboard over Christmas but they warmed up eventually! Our star performers this week were Todd and Swaran - well done lads!
See you all again next Saturday for more fun |
EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024