A great session of Hockey this week at Sportability Club. Ray was off so Alan led the warm up which meant some slightly different routines which was good for us all to try out. Then every kid grabbed a hockey stick and tennis ball and started to dribble around the hall. After a while Alan asked that we stick to the lines meaning closer control of the ball. Valentina then led a quick traffic light game - red for stop, green for go and amber being move the ball from side to side. We then played a game of Puppy in the Park with the badminton court lines being the park, the hockey stick being the dog lead and the ball as the puppy. The idea being to walk you dog around the park, and through gates, without the dog escaping from the park. We then split in to pairs for passing across the hall to each other. Then Alan switched it up so that you dribbled the ball to the opposite side of the hall, around the cone before passing back to your partner for them to take their turn. After the break we put all that practice to good use with some small sided games. The group split in to three teams for a round robin competition. The yellow team overcame the blue team in the first game. The green team then took their turn to take on the yellow team and in a closely fought game it was Todd that got the winning goal right at the end to win the game 3-2. The final game saw the blue team back on the pitch to take on the green team and they won the game meaning each team ended with one win each. We finished off with a few games of Boccia with the group splitting in to two teams at either end of the hall. Our Stars of the week this week were Charlotte and Hal - congratulations to you both!
We also welcomed a new member this week - Vikram - we hope you enjoyed yourself and hope you come back again next week! See you all then! Comments are closed.
EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024