After a quiet start we had a record number of attendees at Epping Forest Sportability Club this week. It was also our annual AGM for parents and carers to chat with the committee so, because of that, there are not as many photos this week. Thanks for all the parents and carers that attended the meeting and contributed to a great discussion. The session started with Coach Alan leading a great warm up in the school hall. The kids then picked up a tennis racket and ball each and started by balancing the ball on the racket. Alan then asked them to throw the ball in the air and try and catch it just using the tennis racket. Next up was bouncing the ball between the racket and the floor. They then paired up to throw the ball for their partner to hit back at them. They then switched so that everyone had a chance to throw and everyone had a chance to hit the ball back. After the break the kids played a game of King of the Court out on the playground. Ollie would throw the tennis ball over the net for the child to hit back, after letting it bounce. The kids had to return the ball over the net and have it land in the court, without being caught, to get through to the next round. Fail to get the ball in to the court and you would join Ollie on the fielding side trying to catch out the other kids. It is a game of last person standing to be crowned King of the Court. However, in our game it was not a king of the court but rather a queen as Davina came out as the overall winner when she beat Sonny in the final round. Very well done Davina! We finished off the session with a few games of Boccia back in the hall with the teams splitting in to two teams at opposite ends of the hall. With so many kids in attendance this week rather than the kids getting two balls each game it was just one. It was a great end to a wonderful session. At the end the coaches awarded the Star performer awards to Pranav and Hal for their great efforts and skills shown through the session. Well done lads!
Join us again next week for more fun and games!!! Comments are closed.
EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024