It was great to be back after the Half term break and we also welcomed a new member - Holly. We hope you enjoy the club and want to come back week after week. We started as always with a warm up, led by Ray. It was then out with the Rugby balls for some pairs work. We started just standing still passing in our pairs. Then we added a throw of the ball in the air and clapping as we did so. From there we progressed on to passing on the move. We then played some very fast paced games of Rob the Nest where the group split in to four teams and tried to get as many balls as possible in their nests before time expired, by robbing balls from the opposing teams. Kerrie's team won the first game, the second was tied as all teams ended up as they started with four balls each in their nests. The last game was won by both Hal and Harry's teams who both got six balls in their nest. Alan and the team then laid out some channels with cones. The group split in to four teams once more and the first task was to run down the channel and touch down over the line for a try before running back and passing the ball to the next player. Next, the groups paired up to pass between groups as they moved down the channel. Lastly, all four groups passed to each other as they took their turn to move down the channels. Hopefully the photos below demonstrate the activities better than I can explain them! After the main break we split in to three teams for some Round Robin games of Benchball. We then finished off with some games of Boccia with the group splitting in to two teams, one at either end of the hall. With each game the number of hoops to aim for decreased until we ended up with just one hoop to aim for. That led to a very tight last game with the reds racing in to a 3-1 lead before the blue team to come back to win it at the end 4 to 3. Finally, Alan presented Zakaa and Harry with the Star of the Week awards for their efforts throughout the session. Well done boys!
See you all again next Saturday for more action packed sports! Comments are closed.
EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024