We had great fun in our last session of the term, before Easter break We had Ollie back from a week off to help with the coaching and a good turn out which made for a great session. We started inside with a game of Rob the Nest which is a game all about running and team work. The group was split in to four teams and they each had a hoop as their nest. To start with one player from each team would run to the middle to collect a ball and return it to their nest. Once all the balls had been collected it is on to stage two of the game. This is where players "rob" a ball from an opposing team's nest and return it to their own. This gets a bit mad as while you are robbing another team they could be robbing your nest in return. The team with the most balls in their nest when the game ends is the winner. In our games it seemed to be the team consisting of Valentina and Davina that won most, if not all, of the games - GIRL POWER! We then braved the cold outside for a while to practice some Hockey skills on the playground. This started off with some dribbling - moving a tennis ball around with the hockey stick. Ollie then led a traffic lights game - Green for dribbling around the playground; Yellow for standing on the spot and moving the ball from side to side with the hockey stick and Red for stop. Lastly, Ray and Alan laid out some cones and the kids worked in pairs dribbling between the cones. After a quick drinks break we moved back inside for some one on one battles. The kids were paired up and had to run to the far end of the hall, around a cone and then battle for the tennis ball to try and be the first to score against the goalkeeper. Initially Ray was the goal keeper but one Callum had taken his turn he went in goal for the rest of the match ups. We then moved on to team Hockey games with the group splitting in to three teams - the blues, the yellows and the "rest". This put all the skills practiced to good use. We finished the session with a variation on a Boccia game. The kids split in to two teams, one at either end of the hall. They had to target as many cones as possible with each throw that they took. They then had to remember which ones they had hit and then collect those cones, along with the ball, once their turn was over. Once all the cones had been hit, which took a while as it gets harder as the number of cones reduces, the kids counted up their haul of cones and placed them in front of themselves. The next phase of the game was to try and hit an opponents stack of cones with your throw. If you succeeded you collected their stack and add it to your own. In the end, the red team at the far end won by hitting and collecting all their opponents stacks.
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EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024