In our last week before the Easter Break we played a variety of games including Basketball, Boccia and Benchball. I am not sure it was intended that all sports played had to start with the letter B but they did - just not enough time for baseball or baton twirling! The basketball started with some skills practice particularly around shooting. They then moved on to some one vs. one games before heading in to full team games. After a break we played two forms of Boccia, a paralympic sport similar to bowls. The first game was the classic version of the game where the aim was to get nearest to the white ball, often called the Jack. The second round of games was Target Boccia where we use a big coloured target with different rings much like an archery target. The closest to the centre, or bullseye, the higher the score. Our last game was Benchball, a club favourite, which involves a lot of throwing, catching, running and team work. It gets frantic and loud and the kids love it! Before the session ended the coaches agreed that Jessica was our Star of the Week this week for her enthusiasm and participation. Well done Jessica!. All the children were winners this week though as, being Easter, they all went home with a little Easter Egg each.
We hope everyone has a great Easter break and look forward to seeing you all back for summer term which starts on Saturday 16th April. Comments are closed.
EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024