Basketball was our main sport once again at Epping Forest Sportability Club this week. We had a great turnout once more and after the usual warm ups, including a traffic light game once more, it was straight in to the skills practice. To start with each child had a basketball and practiced bouncing and dribbling with their ball. After a while they switched to using their other hand then both hands. From there it was bouncing along the lines on the school hall floor then including throwing the ball in the air and clapping before catching once more, as they dribbled. Last of all they practiced bouncing the ball as high as they could, whilst maintaining control, and then as low as they could. After a quick drinks break it was on to shooting practice. The smaller kids practiced with the small net whilst the older kids lined up to use the nets at either end of the hall. They would take their shot then pass the ball to the next in line before joining the back of the queue for shooting at the net at the other end of the hall. Once the practice was complete it was on to some 1-vs-1 games with the coaches picking out two children of similar size and ability to compete with each other. They had to run to the far end of the hall where Ollie would throw the ball in. Then it was the first to take the ball down the hall and score in the net. After the main break the group split in to three teams to play some games lasting about 5 minutes each. They put all they had practiced in to the action and we had some great, close games. The little ones were able to shoot in to the smaller basked, and Ellis scored a few, whilst the rest used the normal baskets. We finished off the session by taking the pace down a bit with some Curling games. The kids took it in turns to have a go - working in pairs or groups of three. They were aiming for the circle marked on the far end of the hall, much like the curling in the winter olympics.
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EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024