It was great to be back after the Half Term break and to welcome back our head coach Alan, who has been on a coaching course for the last few weeks. The weather outside was miserable so it was good to be a nice, warm school hall having fun! We started as always with some warm ups and tag games to get everyone's muscles stretched and to get the blood pumping, so to speak. One of these you can see in the first few photos where Ollie held up a coloured cone and the kids had to run to corner of the hall that had the same coloured cone. The first main sport of the day was Archery, which the kids love. Now that Coach Alan was back we had someone who knew how to put up the targets, which is always a help! The kids took it in turns to have a go trying to get a bullseye. Once again they showed a great aptitude for the sport with several getting really good scores. We played Archery right the way up to the main break but we finished the session with some games of Curling and Putting. For the curling the group split in to a blue team and a red team with the aim to be the team with a stone closest to the yellow dot on the centre of the school hall. The red team won the first game but as you can see in the photos below the blue team got extremely close during the second game. We then finished off with some golf - putting at cones. If you hit a cone with your ball then you collect it. The player with the most cones at the end of the game is the winner.
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EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
July 2024