Our main sport this week was Basketball - just as well as it was pouring with rain outside! This is the favourite sport for many of our members and it turned out to be a great session. Ray was back to lead the warm up, with Ollie, and before too long it was out with the basketballs and the start of the practice. The school rang out to the sound of loads of basketballs being dribbled around the hall so it was rather noisy in there As you can see in the photos the session started with some basic ball dribbling before moving on to "moving the ball around the body". From there it was a slalom course around the cones to be negotiated. After that we played a Traffic Light game with Ray holding up the coloured cones in turn. Red being stand still with the ball, amber (yellow) being bounce the ball on the spot and green is full on dribbling around the hall. Next up was a new drill, not even sure it has a name! The idea being to dribble the ball as before but with the head up looking at where you are going rather than at the ball. The last drill before a drinks break was bouncing the ball high, followed by bouncing the ball low. This encourages good all round ball control meaning you should be able to control it no matter what the situation - almost second nature. After the break we played some one versus one games. This is where members are picked in pairs, by the coaches, to face each other. On the whistle they have to run from under the basket to the far end of the hall where the basketball will be thrown in to play by a coach. It is then a matter of offence & defense as the two players compete to score a basket first back at the far end of the hall. If you can get the ball first and get the first shot away and score then it is a quick win but if you miss you are soon on the defense as your opponent may themselves get a chance to shoot. The last thing we did was have some shooting practice before finishing off the session with a game (reds vs yellows) which put every practice before hand to good use. As you can see in the photo below some of the smaller & younger members opted out of the game to go and play in the Ball pool instead.
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EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024