The warm up this week was led by Kate with Ollie helping some of the younger kids. As you can see in the photos below we started with some stretching before some jogging around the hall. A couple of Tag games followed - the kid's favourite "Whats the Time Mr Wolf" followed by the classic Tag game of trying to get from one end of the hall to the other without being tagged. Once all the kids were nicely warmed up it was on to some Cricket themed activities. We started the main part of the session with some Throwing and Catching in pairs. This then turned in to a game where if you dropped a catch you dropped to one knee. Drop another catch and you were on to both knees. Another dropped catch and it was one arm behind the back as well. One last dropped catch and you were out and your opponent wins the game. From there they played a different throwing and catching game called Champion. All the kids lined up and Kate took it in turns to throw the ball to each child. If they caught it they moved up the line but if you dropped it then down the line you went. At the end the person at the top of the line is crowned the Champion and in our game, it was won by Charlotte! After a break for some rehydration the kids moved on to a drill focusing around throwing at wickets. As you can see in the photos below it involved the kids running and picking up a ball off a tee and then throwing at the wicket. There were tees set at different distances to test the aim and throwing ability of the kids. Following the throwing practice the kids switched to some batting practice with the kids batting balls off of tees. After the main break they played a game of Three Tee Cricket which somehow ended up in a 97 point draw between the teams. The session the concluded with another game of Champion which was once again won by Charlotte!
The star of the week went to one of our newer members but unfortunately we are not able to have photographs of them so no picture I am afraid but very well done anyway. A special mention also has to go out to Callum and his mum, it was Callum's birthday last week and he brought in some lovely cakes which made the break time so much nicer! Many thanks and a very happy birthday Callum! We hope to see you all again this coming Saturday for more fun and excitement. Comments are closed.
EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024