In what has become a bit of a tradition here at Epping Forest Sportability Club the last session of the term was a bit more relaxed. The Coaches set up a number of activities including Table Tennis, Basketball, Boccia, Curling and Badminton. Everyone then just had fun doing whatever activity they wanted and with some music playing I noticed the basketball shooting morphed in to a bit of dancing with a shot at the end - great fun! At the mid-point break Alan did suggest playing a game of something to finish the session off but the kids were enjoying what they were up to so much we just carried on the fun. In addition, they borrowed the table football table and had some games of that too. From everyone at the club we wish you and all your loved ones a very special Easter. For those of you lucky enough to get time off from school or work then do enjoy your time off and hopefully the weather will be kind to us all as well. We look forward to seeing you all back after Easter - our next session being at the usual time of 10:00 on Saturday 27th April. Comments are closed.
EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024