The main sport this week was Basketball so you never know we could have a budding all star player in our mists! The session started off with some team games based around cones. The group split in to two teams and played a game of Domes & Cones where one team tried to turn as many cones in to domes and the other team did the opposite turning domes in to cones, basically turning cones upside down faster than the other team. Quite a battle ensued and after Sophie's team won we played a different game. This game was to collect as many cones of the same colour, that had been called out, with the team with the most cones at the end of the game being the winner - Sophie's team again! This then led in to our main sport of the week Basketball. A series of ball control drills was led by coach Alan with the group still split in two. Each drill was a little more complicated than the last but by the end ball control and passing had been practiced thoroughly. We then split in to three teams for a series of games which were fiercely contested and great fun. And last but certainly not least our Star of the Week this week was Zakaa who took part really well and showed real enthusiasm! Here is our star with a few of his best friends
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EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024