It was a lovely day at Oak View School on Saturday so we made the most of the weather and got outside on to the playground for some Hockey. We were without Ray this week (get well soon!) so Alan led the warm up and then it was in to the Hockey with some ball control practice. Every child grabbed a Hockey stick and a tennis ball and started moving around the playground with their ball. Ollie then led a traffic light game - stop on red, move the ball side to side on yellow and dribble with the ball on green. Alan then laid out pairs of cones and the kids had to dribble the ball between the cones. From there he asked them to do a figure of eight pattern around the pair of cones to get that close ball control working. After that they paired up to do some passing to each other between the cones, in their pairs. Next up was a slalom course, laid out and demonstrated by Alan. The kids split in to three groups and took it in turns to make their way up and down the course going around the cones as they went. When they got back to the start they would stop and pass to the next person. Once they had the hang of that Alan added a some shooting practice on to it so when they got to the far end they shot for the goal (between two cones). They would then collect their ball before returning back down the course and passing to the next player. The shooting practice continued, after a break, with kids lining up to take a turn to shoot against a goalkeeper in one of three goals set up. Millie's Dad volunteered to be one of the goalkeepers along with Cliff (Charlotte's Dad) and Ollie. Even Liam took a turn in goal. From there all that practice was put to good use with some matches. The group split in to three teams and they played each other in short, 5 minute games. We rounded off the session with a bit of Golf - putting on the playground in to hoops. Getting the speed of the shot was key. Hit it too hard and it will bounce past the hoops. Hit it too soft and it wont make it over the ridge of the hoop. At the end of another fantastic session Alan and Ollie decided that the two star of the week awards should go to Davina as well as one of our newer, younger members. Congrats to both for great effort and enthusiasm throughout the session. See you all again this coming Saturday for more fun and action! Comments are closed.
EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024