It was hot and humid this week at Oak View School and just as we were about to start there were a few drops of rain so we did the warm up in the school hall. By the time we finished that it had stopped raining so it was outside for some throwing and catching practice. After a quick drinks break it was on to some batting practice hitting the tennis balls off the tees trying to hit cones and then wickets at the far end of the playground. After the main break we played some Three Tee Cricket. The group split in to two teams and Justin's team were up first to bat. Coach Alan added an extra incentive in that if you hit one of the balls between pairs of cones at the far end of the playground you got 5 extra runs. Once everyone had batted Justin's team had amassed 62 runs. Davina's team then switched from fielding to batting and they managed and tremendous 73 runs and thus winning the match. We finished off the session by coming back in the hall from some lovely calm games of Boccia. At the end of the session the coaches awarded the Star of the Week awards to Sonny and Rhys for great efforts throughout the morning. Well done lads!
We look forward to seeing you all again next week Comments are closed.
EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024