Cricket seems to be in the news for all the wrong reasons this week so we at Epping Forest Sportability Club decided to play the sport the right way and have a lot of fun in the process. After a warm up the group got going with some fielding practice - throwing at stumps, catching, returning the ball. From there they moved on to some batting practice. Putting the skills practice in to use the group split in to two teams to play some Three Tee Cricket. Each person takes it in turn to have a go. On their turn they hit three tennis balls off of three tees. The fielding team are not allowed to move or touch the balls until the last ball is hit. Once that happens the batter tries to get as many runs as possible in the time it takes the fielding team to return the three balls and tees to their starting positions. In the end, Pranav's team beat Todd's team in both the games played. After the break we switched to a catching game called Champion. In this, the kids line up in a row and the coach threw a ball to each of them in turn, when called. If they caught it they moved up a place in the row, if they dropped it they moved to the bottom of the queue. At the end of the game Hal was at the top of the line and therefore the champion! We finished the session with some Archery, the kids loved it when we played it the other week so it made a quick return. The kids soon warmed up and their shots were getting better and better. Valentina was the first to get a Bullseye, closely followed by Pranav and Charlotte. A feat that none of the adults present could achieve so well done!
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EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
July 2024