Last Saturday's session was dedicated mainly to the sport of Rugby, but we still had time for a game of Handball before the end of the session. The session started as always with a warm up and a game of Tag but at the request of Callum we also played "What's the Time Mr Wolf?" We then moved on to the main sport of Rugby with the kids pairing up to throw the ball to each other trying to pass the ball properly and catch it. We then moved on to a game which involved running and passing as you can see in the photos below. The group split in to two teams - reds and yellows. Each team then divided in half with Reds in North and South position and Yellows in East / West. When called the player at the front of the queue for each colour would run to the other end and pass to their team mate then join the end of that queue. The team mate with the ball would then do the same when called. It was up to the coaches to ensure both colours didn't run at the same time and crash in the middle of the hall. The game progressed further with the pass to the team mate happening in the centre of the hall. This meant that team mates were running towards each other and passing the ball between themselves whilst both were moving. To make things even more complex the coaches then decided to introduce some running in a slalom fashion around dots on the floor before passing to the team mate. After all that exhausting work it was time for a break. Once rested it was on to a game of Dragon's Den. This is where a Dragon is guarding their nest of eggs (rugby balls) from would be thieves. The balls are placed in a ring and the Dragon faces away from the ring. The player then has to approach the ring and wait for the coach to yell GO. At this point the player must steal a ball and get back to their base at the other end of the hall without getting caught by a Dragon. The Dragon cant move until the GO signal is called but must then try a grab a tag off the rival players belt before they get back to their base with the ball. We had two games running in parallel so it was fast and furious fun and as you can tell by the photos below the kids loved every second of it! The final game we played was Handball but we play it with Velcro pads and a tennis ball. To start with the kids practised in pairs throwing to each other and catching the ball with the Velcro pads. Then it was straight on to some target practice throwing the tennis ball at a suspended target trying to get it to stick. That then led in to a team game with a target at each end and two teams playing each other. They should not run with the ball (although some did!) but rather pass to a team mate and run up the pitch to hopefully receive a pass back.
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EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
July 2024