Basketball was the main sport of the session this week at Epping Forest Sportability Club. Due to school fetes and pantos turnout was low but that didn't stop us from having a fun and varied session. Ollie and Alan started with warm ups including some ball control with the basketballs and also a game of Mr Wolf. Once they were ready to go it was straight in to some ball dribbling practice using the lines on the school hall as a guide. From there we had a few quick Traffic Light games where a red light means Stop with the ball, amber (yellow) means bounce the ball from side to side on the spot and green means full on dribbling with the ball around the hall. Next up we had a shooting drill making use of the baskets at either end of the hall. The kids lined up to shoot and once they had taken their turn they collected their ball and joined the end of the queue for the basket at the other end of the hall. This then formed a kind of circle allowing the kids to practice their dribbling and shooting without having to wait too long for the next turn. Before they stopped for a drinks break the kids had just enough time to play some one on one games. When Ollie shouted Go two kids would race up the hall away from the basket. They had to go around the cones as they went and on getting to the far end Ollie would throw the ball in. It was then a battle to see who would be the first to score. So a mix of attack and defence depending on who had the ball at the time. After the drinks break we put all the practice to good use by playing some matches - blues versus reds. As you can see in the photos below it was energetic and lively and great fun. We then switched sports to Boccia with the Blues led by Kate up against the Reds led by Ollie. Due to some fantastic shots by Liam and Joseph the Reds won quite comfortably. We then stopped for the main break. After, as Liam and Kerrie had to go off to see a panto (oh yes they did!) which left us with just a few people left, we wrapped up the session with some games of Indoor Curling.
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EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024