Summer is here, the Ashes have started so what better way to start the session than a game of cricket, We took turns at batting and bowling with the remainder fielding trying to make that all important catch. I think Mr Boycott may have had a thing or two to say about the batters stance or the bowlers line and length but we had a great time and could easily show the Aussies and thing or two! After a break it was on to Tag Rugby and then Basketball. Our Star of the Week was Nicholas who displayed "excellent Basketball skills" according to the coaching team. Well done Nick! IMPORTANT - Next week is our last week before we break for summer and it is Jess's LAST WEEK before she heads off the University in the Autumn so please make an effort to come along and give her a good send off. After club has finished Oak View school have their Summer Music Festival between 2pm and 10pm on the school field. We will run a stall to try and make some money for the club for the first couple of hours so if you can please come along and support the event.
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EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024