On a cold and miserable March morning it was good to be in Oak View School Hall having fun while exercising. Our main sport this week was Rugby. Ray started the session off with a warm up, leading the kids in jogging around the hall and doing a variety of stretches. It was then on to Rugby and we started off working in pairs passing to each other. We then incorporated throwing the ball in the air, clapping, before catching again - between passes. Then we started to move the ball around the waist as well. Finally we did some over & under and side to side - getting used to receiving the ball in different positions Once the pairs work was complete we split in to four groups and played some games of Rob the Nest. It is a fun game that the kids love, taking it in turns to rob a ball from another teams "nest", while they are robbing balls from yours! We then formed a large circle and passed the ball around before we stopped for a drinks and snacks break. After the break, we played a tag rugby game called Hunter. The kids took it in turns, in pairs, to be the hunted and then the hunter. The one being hunted had to run up the hall, grab a ball and get back without being tagged. The hunter at the same time had to run up the hall, around a cone, and then try and tag their opponent before they got back with the ball. We finished off the session with a couple of quick rounds of Boccia with each team winning one round. Our star performers this week were Justin and Kerrie - very well done to you both!
Join us again next week for more fun as we play a different sport. Comments are closed.
EFSC NEWSEpping Forest Sportability Club is a multi-sports club for young people with mild to moderate physical and learning difficulties.
December 2024